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Only 43% of urban high-risk non-debaters graduate
72% of urban high-risk student debaters graduate.
Only 50% of students in urban high schools graduate
90% of urban high school debaters graduate.
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All About World Debating Forum
Solution-Oriented Market-Centered Debating
The Intersection Of Sports And Debate
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Please Register and receive a free full-time membership for yourself and then you’ll also be able to give free memberships to others. There are no strings attached and no hidden agendas – this WorldDebatingForum website is about making virtual and in-class debate happen for as many schools and families as possible, and we know that teachers and students are natural leaders and innovators!
Teachers, students and parents are using these FREE GUIDES to discover how many ways a simple debating program can make virtual and in-class learning more fun, more social, and much more productive.
Membership includes FREE downloads of any of our 6 new full-length ebook debating guides plus FREE open access to our 1000+ volume curated debating video and debate book libraries and resources. With your Free Educator Membership you can empower ALL your students to gain new energy and purpose and give parents new ways to be involved partners in their education while reducing your own teaching workload.
Teachers, students and parents together can create exciting new virtual and in-class events full of great social interaction!
Students will get better grades with less homework and have more fun doing it!
Every student will learn to speak with confidence and present their ideas more successfully!
Students will master both native English and ESL quicker, easier and better through debate, and will find language learning made fun and easy!
Note From Founder:
It is our firm belief that K-12 students should never debate, politics,religion,or race.
It is your goal to develop cognitive, and critical thinking, these subjects being less than 3% of available subjects to debate, get 70% of media and family conversations are because they are generally to emotional, and devoid of any empirical data or actual objective facts. The more you can stay into school curriculum, sports and irrelevant
Supportive stuff, the more they will engage, and enjoy learning.
“Imagine graduating from high school each year millions of underprivileged teenagers with the ability to articulate their needs and ideas, the ability to understand and address the needs of others, and the ability and energy to offer thoughtful solutions.” Ed Lee, Atlanta Urban Debate League
Teachers and Students!
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Like this one based on the “Grade School Classroom Debate” book above.
College Bound Thanks To Debating
Why Corporations Love High School Debate
Kid President Is Over It!
How Grade-School Debate Can Build Young Minds
Brooklyn Debate Team Headed To National Championship
Debate Can Change Your Life
How debating pushed my limits and how it can push yours
The Science of Argumentation
Can Debate Build Executive Brain Functions?
Video Resources For Grade School Debate
Encouraging Student Classroom Debate
How To Build Great Arguments
Australian Kids Debate Using Lollipops As Rewards
Facebook For Kids: Yes or No?
Training for Young Debaters & Judges
BSRI Best Practices: Fifth Grade Debates
Video Resources For High School Debate
Debating Can Change Your Life
Debate, Magic & Harry Potter
Animated School Debate Orientation
Energetic HS Debate: “Abolish The Death Penalty”
Debaters Speak @ 350 WPM – Crazy Fast!
Final WSDC 2017
Video Resources For College Debate
Practical Advice From Sharp Wellesley College Debaters
Everyone Is A Debater: The Universal Experience
Harvard Debater Discuss Lessons Learned
Strategic Argumentation For College debaters
Finding Your Voice – An Inspirational Story
DEBATE: Is Christianity True?
Video Resources For Debate Judges
Coach Briefing Judges On Their Roles
National Semi-Finals: Full-Length Example For Judges
Debate Judge Orientation Video
Lost Art Of Democratic Debate
Judging A Formal Classroom Debate
What does the adjudicator look for in a debate?