From WDF Founder Pat Lockhart
While sports and athletics have taught me many important lessons, and so has my successful career in business and my lifelong involvement in philanthropy, some of my most powerful and useful lessons throughout life have come from many years of debate training long ago in school.
I would like to share what I have learned about the power of clear, civil, reasoned debate with others like you who are working hard in support of quality education. Whether you are thinking of starting or are already building an in-class debate curriculum, or perhaps starting or expanding a virtual or in-school debate team, this website and its resources are at your disposal.
This is a free website with free resources that you are free to use and adapt to meet your own needs and those of fellow students or teachers. We hope that members and users will feed their discoveries and ideas back to us so that we can incorporate them into future editions of our digital resources.
As we all have, I’ve watched our world change and evolve in so many ways – some very positive, and some quite the opposite. But whatever the challenges we face as human beings, my life experience tells me that there’s a solid reason to believe that we can work together successfully to make this a better and safer world for our future generations.
With the help of friends worldwide we have started World Debating Forum because we truly believe that we CAN make the world a better place together.